'folding house' booth design by standardarchitecture#architecture

'folding house' booth design by standardarchitecture#architecture
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Project name: camerich concept show
Design team: zhang ke, jesper reiter, simon hjalmar persson, claire rizzi, fu yun, hector peinador
Location: furniture china, shanghai new international expo center
Program: concept show consisting of showroom and furniture showing the future of furniture
Design period: june - september 2011
Construction period: august - september 2011
Site area: 273 sqm
Building area: 500 sqm
Architect: standardarchitecture beijing-based standardarchitecture designed the 'folding house' booth and a series of furniture pieces for the chinese furniture brand camerich, shown in september at shanghai furniture expo. the concept for the showroom is a vision of the house of the future, which upholds themes as lightness, transparency, spatial multiplicity, openness and continuity. a series of white tilted planes wrap and encompass visitors as they are guided through the showroom. four pitched roof elements break through the pristine rectangular volume to open views to the bustling activity surrounding the standalone construct. bound with frameless glass panes and railings, the interior surfaces visually continue and end where it begins. the displayed elements are comprised of angled benches and curvaceous lounge chairs and tables supported with minimal stainless steel rods.
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