Pearl Plaza design by HTT Group (Ho Thieu Tri Architect & Associates)

Pearl Plaza design by HTT Group (Ho Thieu Tri Architect & Associates)

Project: Pearl Plaza
Location: Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Investor: SSG Group
Architect: HTT Group (Ho Thieu Tri Architect & Associates)
Design team: Ho Thieu Tri, Tran Nhat Thu, Pham Chi Linh, Nguyen Trong Tuong Trang, Nguyen Hai Ha.
Structural design: Southern Light Company (SLCC)
Mechanical and electrical design: Space Company.
Time: 2015-2018
Land area 02 5,983.2 m²
Construction density Block for parking 59.3%, tower 27% - 40%
Commercial, supermarket, service area 26,622 m²
Office area 05 06 41,437 m²
Apartment area 15,855 m²
Roof height 152.8 m

Not just a tower, We create a symbol
To carry out these special projects, we have considered three important factors throughout the design process: "Functional suitability", "Harmony with the environment" and "Harmony with culture". The suitability of the plan with the planning, landscape and architectural requirements of the area. Based on the architectural planning criteria set for the area, the layout not only solves the above requirements but also develops further by maximizing the useful area of ​​the building. The overall layout also shows the concern for the escape problem for users in the building as well as meeting the requirements for fire prevention. In addition, based on the calculation of the influence of the East-West direction on the building, the parts of the building exposed to the West sun will be designed to reduce heat radiation

Designed with a large floor area and large column spacing, the office space at Pearl Plaza has the ability to flexibly arrange the working area and maximize the usable area, bringing practical efficiency to customers. Energy-saving design solutions and aiming for green buildings are the main design orientation of the office block, the facade is reduced in glass panels to reduce the amount of solar radiation but still maintain the balance of natural lighting and ventilation.

Source: HTT Group (Ho Thieu Tri Architect & Associates)
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