House in Hiro by Suppose Design Office#architecture

House in Hiro by Suppose Design Office#architecture
Our current featured architects Suppose Design Office of Japan have designed a residence in Hiroshima with two rooms that appear to be outdoors.
The house, located on a busy commercial street, aims to satisfy the clients wish for bright gardens in an area where there are none.
The sunlit rooms use natural materials and finishes in an effort to bring a sense of the garden indoors.
Read all our Suppose Design Office stories in our featured architect category.
Here’s more information from the architects:

House in Hiro
This spacious house is a home that has two gardens.
The site is located in a shopping district alongside the main highway, a harsh place to satisfy the demands of a client desiring a home with bright gardens.
There are no outdoor gardens here, so we decided to plan out the kind of place that you could almost call a real garden, by bringing to the indoors materials that evoke – elements of the outdoors – garden-like elements such as light and raw materials.
By setting up garden rooms that at first sight make you feel as if you are in a real outdoor garden – despite being indoors – we have created a distinction between the indoors and outdoors.
By putting characteristically “outdoor” things such as plants and bicycles in the rooms, as well as books, artwork, and pianos, we have portrayed a life in which these elements are all mingled.
We struggled to achieve this new outdoors-like form by changing the way we looked at things just a little bit, by unconsciously recognizing these “inside and outside” elements.
The garden rooms, where the indoors and outdoors mingle, show that rather than being a home that cannot allow the sort of metamorphosis it has seen thus far, this home is comfortable with these changes.
building site : Hiro, Kure city, Hiroshima, JAPAN principal use : personal house structure : Reinforced Concrete, 2 storey
site area : 78.34㎡ building site : 37.39㎡ total floor area : 66.46㎡ (1F : 36.33㎡ 2F : 30.13㎡)
Source:  dezeen
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