Project: Public library Type: Open international competition Size: 16.000 m2 Client: City of Helsinki Status: Settled 2012 Location: Helsinki, Finland Team: Buro happold JDS partner in charge: Juilen de smedt Project leader: Andrew griffin Project team: Francisco Villeda, Chris Yuan, Amanda Ripoll, Mathilde Claus, Byeongmoo Moon The Book Loop is a permeable, transparent and inviting new library for the modern citizen. A flexible and adaptable space that will over time accommodate the different activities that the modern library user needs. By making a loop of continuous program we answer the problem of the traditional stacked floor by floor approach and create an attractive promenade through out the building.
Source: JDS Architects m i l i m e t d e s i g n – W h e r e t h e c o n v e r g e n c e o f u n i q u e c r e a t i v e s