Casa dos Ipês Sao Paulo, design by studio mk27 – marcio kogan + lair reis#architecture

Casa dos Ipês Sao Paulo, design by studio mk27 – marcio kogan + lair reis#architecture

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Casa dos Ipês Sao Paulo

Design: studio mk27 – marcio kogan + lair reis Location: São Paulo, SP, Brazil House of Ipês Ten years ago, when StudioMK27 tried to do a project using exposed concrete, many builders said that this was practically impossible. Yeah, Right - Brazil that has a vast modern tradition in the use of raw concrete? During a determinate period, in the 90´s, the use of the material declined sharply, restricted to the few architects that used it experimentally and sporadically, without fixing a constructive know-how. Throughout the last decade, the recognition of the design and specification of exposed concrete has been revisited and developed. The modern brutalists adopted raw concrete under the pretext of formal truth. In reality, reinforced concrete imposed the construction of complex formworks, generally with new wood and of good quality, making it a costly material. The construction of a ripped texture needs precise carpentry of total craftsmanship, mounting the negative of the building in hand-made wood. Additionally, the concrete needs a special composition in order for it to be worked adequately before solidifying. When deformed, the concrete is practically in its final configuration, making it a risky process, with little room for error. Concrete is, on the other hand, a type of x-ray of the construction and of the passing of time, where the surface is impregnated not only with the smallest defects but also the knots of the wood. It is liquid stone, as has already been said. The experience of constructing in raw concrete during these last ten years has shown StudioMK27 the impracticality of making an absolutely perfect material. The House of Ipês incorporates this experience of design and construction in exposed concrete. In this house the material is used in a radical manner throughout the upper volume and, as such, the large concrete Box appears to be floating atop a glass volume. In the living room, which continues to the veranda and the garden, the doors open entirely, diluting the division between interior and exterior. The main entrance is done through pivoting panels that also open entirely to the front garden. In the internal space, a long irregularly-shaped sofa wriggles around the room, constructing a space with no hierarchy among the different orientations. On the top floor, a TV room distributes the circulation to the bedrooms, which are lit by a wood block on the concrete wall of the facade. The wooden brises offer the interior great thermal comfort and makes it possible to totally control the lighting. The structure of the house incorporates large spans which accentuate the Idea of a floating Box, besides propitiating a totally free and continuous space. The use of raw concrete refers to modern buildings, aesthetically and functionally, as in a dialogue with this modern architecture. The House of Ipês, with its grand spans and brute material, transpires a sobriety and the concrete impregnated by the passage of time, exposes the existence of the life of the building.

Casa dos Ipês : Building Information

project > casa dos ipês location> são paulo, brasil project > janu 2009 conclusion > jun 2011 site area > 1,041 sqm built area > 1,343 sqm architecture author > marcio kogan co-author > lair reis interior design co-authors > diana radomysler . lair reis carolina castroviejo collaborator > henrique bustamante collaborator interiores > ricardo azira team > eduardo glycerio . eduardo gurian . elisa friedmann gabriel kogan . luciana antunes marcio tanaka . maria cristina motta . mariana simas . oswaldo pessano renata furlanetto . samanta cafardo . suzana glogowski credits landscape designer > isabel duprat photographer > reinaldo cóser contractor > lock engenharia marcello pessoa e eduardo menezes mechanical systems> grau engenharia air conditioning > thermoplan structure engineer > leão e associados joão rubens leão Casa dos Ipês Sao Paulo images / information from Marcio Kogan Arquitetos

Source:  Marcio Kogan Arquitetos milimetdesign – Where the convergence of unique creatives
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