Beijing South Station is a fully integrated multi-modal transportation hub that serves as a “Gateway” to the capital and a vital link in China’s new highspeed intercity network. A major urban building and master plan, it is one of the largest contemporary railway stations in the world designed for a passenger turnover of 220,000 passengers a day, 80 million passengers annually by 2030. To accommodate these vast numbers a new model in railway station design was developed, integrating the multimodal transport interchange facility with a vertical separation strategy designed to make passenger traffic flows direct, convenient and highly efficient. Designed in collaboration with the Third Survey Design Institute Beijing South Station celebrated its opening in August 2008 in time for the Beijing Olympics.
Source: TFP Farrells/ Oak Taylor Smith m i l i m e t d e s i g n – W h e r e t h e c o n v e r g e n c e o f u n i q u e c r e a t i v e s