Mercado Design in Brasilia, Brazil design by Tao Arquitetura

Mercado Design in Brasilia, Brazil design by Tao Arquitetura
header_logo%2520copy%2520copy.jpg (805×90) Architect: Paulo Henrique Paranhos Location: Brasilia, Brazil Collaborators: Eder Alencar, Ana Carolina Vaz Project year: 2005-2007 Constructed Area: 2,600 sqm Structure: Yasser Vasconcelos Installations: Promap Photographs: Joana França, Tao Arquitetura and Telmo Ximenes A neighborhood in constant changes where buildings are adapting their destination to commerce and service, this building shows a typology through it’s volumetric and weightlessness, and harmony with its re qualified urbanism environment. The Mercado Design’s project is born from de knowledge of the building following some concepts: a single building with slightness and permeability that provokes surprise, interest in that it can be revealed. It’s more a provocation to the first look then the explicit revelation in that it can be presented. It is not intended to sell the "materialized" but talk about the motivations that leads persons to search for bigger values, with best quality for living. We believe we have designed something that is not limited to palpable issues, but something that can suggest a greater perception.
Source: Paulo Henrique Paranhos
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